S.E.C.T.O.R is a Die and retry - cooperative game.
You can try the game by clicking on the link! If you like it or if you want to give us an advice, do not hesistate, we will be happy to read you to improve our game ! Thank you !
I'ts a end-of-year project, we made during our third year in Albert Jacquard High school in the Video Game section
We realize the game only with 2 artists and 1 animator, on Unity 3D for PS4 in 6 months.
I made almost all the meshes and textures. I also made all VFX, Shaders, 2D interface and I optimize all the game to turn at 60FPS.
Without any programmer working with us Ben Evrard has to make all the scripts for the gameplay plus the anim/chara part. That was a challenge for him!
Jerome Dassy made the scripts for menus and made a little bit part of modeling/texturing.
Made by Ben Evrard